Aayush Sharma impressed many with the trailer of ‘Antim: The Final Truth’ which is his upcoming film with Salman Khan. Fans liked the transformation from his earlier image of a lover boy in ‘Loveyatri’. But the man behind his beefed-up body is none other than Tiger Shroff’s trainer Rajendra Dhole. “When Aayush was offered the film and he got to know that he would need to build a certain physique for it, he contacted his old friend Tiger for help. Tiger suggested to seek training from his trainer Rajendra Dhole who chalked out a detailed plan for his transformation. With a strict diet and rigorous workout regime, Aayush trained for months and the results are now not just seen but also celebrated by everyone,” reveals a source. ‘Antim: The Final Truth’ is releasing in theatres this week and the audience can see more action from Aayush over the weekend.
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