Akshay Kumar was quick to start shooting for the Hindi remake of the 2011 hit Tamil horror-comedy ‘Kanchana’. Going by the success of another film, ‘Stree’, last year, it seems that Akki wants to be back in the horror zone. The actor will play the role of a transgender in his upcoming film ‘Laaxmi Bomb’ and has already begun shooting for the same. Trade buzz suggests that Akshay will undergo massive transformation for his character, to the likes of what he did in ‘2.0’. ‘Laaxmi Bomb’ is directed by Raghava Lawrence. Akshay, along with Kiara Advani, has been shooting for the film in Mumbai. His last horror-comedy outing, ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa’ was a massive hit and the actor seems to be wanting to relive the success with the new film.
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