Veteran actor / filmmaker Dilip Kumar was admitted to the hospital over the weekend when it was reported that he suffered breathing complications. The 98-year-old was rushed to a different medical facility this time around, giving Lilavati Hospital a miss. The Twitter handle of Dilip Saab read, “Dilip Saab has been admitted to the non-Covid section of PD Hinduja Hospital in Khar for routine tests and investigations. He’s had episodes of breathlessness. A team of healthcare workers led by Dr Nitin Gokhale are attending to him. Please keep Saab in your prayers and stay safe.” While the actor is still in the hospital and is recovering, his death rumours suddenly erupted. Quashing the same, the official line of announcement said, “Don’t believe in WhatsApp forwards. Saab is stable and should be home in 2-3 days.”
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