We had informed our readers how actresses like Rani Mukerji and Kajol are regulars at various Durga Puja pandals during the Navratri festival. Though theses actresses, along with some other Bollywood celebrities were to celebrate the festival virtually to avoid rush at the pandal, Kajol today visited one decked in a pink saree. Before leaving home she had posted her pictures of which one captured her having a hearty laugh. Explaining the same, Kajol wrote on Instagram, “Started off all beautiful and then someone cracked a joke.” At the pandal though, the ‘Tribhanga’ actress burst into tears meeting one of her uncles and hugging him. Although the real reason behind her crying still remains unknown, it is said that Kajol met her uncle after long and couldn’t contain her emotions. As per some reports, her mother Tanuja is unwell and that also could be one of the reasons behind Kajol’s sudden emotional outburst.
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