Several months after the acclaimed release of Kartik Aaryan’s film ‘Chandu Champion’, Olympic bronze medallist Manu Bhaker expressed her admiration for both the actor and the movie. On her Instagram stories, Manu posted a photo of herself enjoying the film in the comfort of her home. “Finally the Olympics have ended and I saw ‘Chandu Champion’ as soon as I got home. This film turned out much more relatable than I thought. The prep, struggles, failure but never giving up… Hats off to Kartik Aaryan for playing this role so effortlessly. Being an athlete myself, I know it’s not easy… especially the prep sequence… You deserve a medal for this!” wrote Bhaker. Not the one to miss this, coming from a real winner, Kartik was quick to reply, “Wow! Thank you. These are the moments I will always cherish, when a real champion like you showers praise on our labour of love! Chandu Champion love and respect for making every Indian proud.” Prior to this, notable figures such as Kapil Dev, Shabana Azmi and Shatrughan Sinha had already lauded Kartik Aaryan’s remarkable performance in the film.
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