Aamir Khan is rapidly winding up his upcoming film ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’ so that it can release in theatres during Christmas this year. The actor revisited Ladakh to complete the film which has been in the making for a while due to Covid. This was his countless visit to the hilly regions as the entire team has been camping there since long. But Aamir and the rest of the cast and crew have been in the eye of the storm because of allegedly polluting the environment. Twitter user Jigmat Ladakhi from the regions of Ladakh has shared videos in which plastic bottles and other waste are seen lying on the ground. “This is the gift Bollywood star Amir Khan’s upcoming movie ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’ has left for the villagers of Wakha in Ladakh. Amir Khan himself talks big about environmental cleanliness in (his TV show) ‘Satyamev Jayate’ but this is what happens when it comes to himself,” wrote Jigmat. Though he also clarified that he is not against the film per se. It was only about protecting environment.
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