Aditya Roy Kapur will have company in the form of Mrunal Thakur in the Hindi remake of the Tamil hit ‘Thadam’. Mrunal is all gearing up to headline this film, which is directed by Vardhan Ketkar and produced by T-Series’ Bhushan Kumar along with Murad Khetani as the co-producer. ‘Thadam’ remake is based on true events and is scheduled to go on the floors in October this year. An excited Mrunal, who plays a strong-headed cop in the film, says, “When I heard the ‘Thadam’ remake story, I instantly knew that I needed to be a part of this film. My character is very intriguing and this will be a very distinct role from all the characters I have played till now.” Mrunal also has ‘Jersey’ coming up with Shahid Kapoor.
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