The weekend came as a pleasant surprise to the fans of Rakul Preet Singh as the actress made her relationship official. Rakul celebrated her birthday on October 10th and surprised her fans when she revealed that she and Jackky Bhagnani were a couple. Falling head over heels in love with the actor-turned-producer, Rakul wrote, “Thank you, my love! You have been my biggest gift this year! Thank you for adding colour to my life, thank you for making me laugh non-stop, thank you for being you! Here is to making more memories together,” on her Instagram handle, tagging Jackky Bhagnani. Just before that, Jackky wished her, “Without you, days don’t seem like days. Without you, eating the most delicious food is no fun. Sending birthday wishes to the most beautiful soul who means the world to me! May your day be as sunny as your smile and as beautiful as you are. Happy birthday, my love.” Rakul and Jackky both shared the same picture holding hands and looking at each other.
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