Shraddha Kapoor, who has been a major highlight with her recent blockbuster ‘Stree 2’ is currently laying low due to health concerns. The film has achieved remarkable success becoming the 7th highest-grossing Hindi film of all time with an astounding Rs 386 crore in earnings across India. Despite this, Kapoor has been largely absent from the public eye following a brief appearance at the film’s success celebration. The actress is battling a viral fever thanks to her grueling schedule promoting ‘Stree 2’ across multiple cities, say reports. The intense pace of events and media engagements seems to have caught up with her. Under her family’s care, Shraddha is focusing on her recovery. While her absence is felt, the ‘Stree 2’ team, including director Amar Kaushik and co-stars Rajkummar Rao, Abhishek Banerjee and Aparshakti Khurrana continues to engage with the media and celebrate the film’s achievements in her stead. Kapoor is anticipated to resume her promotional activities once she has fully recovered.
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