Varun Dhawan, Neetu Singh Kapoor and a couple of other team members of ‘Jug Jugg Jeeyo’ have tested positive for Covid-19. This happened over the weekend and as soon as the news was out, it sent shivers down everyone’s spine. Suddenly contracting Covid-19 on an outdoor shoot, more so when the team was tested and reported to be negative, didn’t sit well with anyone. While Neetu was flown back in a medical helicopter without a word, Varun realized his mistake and posted this on social media, “So as I returned to work in the pandemic era, I have contracted Covid-19. Please be extra careful. I believe I could have been more careful. I see the get well soon messages and my spirits are high.” Rumour had it that even Anil Kapoor had tested positive during the ‘Jug Jugg Jeeyo’ shoot, only to be quashed later.
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