A little lesser-known name among the masses, but a deep-rooted, beloved member in the entertainment industry, Pamela Chopra passed away today at the age of 74. Pamela was the late director-producer Yash Chopra’s wife and Aditya and Uday Chopra’s mother. Aditya and Uday are part of the Yash Raj Films (YRF) empire since the time Yash and Pamela built it. Releasing a small note, the YRF’s social media handle read, “With heavy hearts, the Chopra family would like to inform that Pamela Chopra, 74, passed away this morning. Her cremation took place at 11 am today in Mumbai. We are grateful for your prayers and the family would like to request for privacy in this moment of deep sadness and reflection.” She used to be very much involved behind the scenes and helped her husband immensely with scripts, stories and music. Pamela was last seen in the Netflix series ‘The Romantics’ where she spoke about the entire family’s life journey in depth. Our deepest condolences to the Chopra family and YRF.
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