Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff are shooting for director Ali Abbas Zafar’s upcoming film ‘Bade Miyan Chote Miyan’. While Khiladi Kumar is already known for his fitness, it is Tiger Shroff who inspires him to go the extra mile. In an open letter to his co-star Tiger, Akshay said, “Dear, Tiger, I’m not someone who writes letters. In fact I am someone who does not write at all. But today I felt like doing this to make a special point. It was 32 years ago when I started my career with an action film. In these decades, I thought I had done it all. But just 15 days into filming one of our most ambitious projects, ‘Bade Miyan Chote Miyan’, I already feel tested. Both physically and mentally. And I’m not complaining. Because the magic of life is always outside the comfort zone. I’m enjoying pushing my limits, especially when it is with someone who was born in the year that I started working in. ‘Tere saath yeh shoot karke badhiya feel aa rahi hai, Tiger.’ I feel rejuvenated and young from inside. This surge of fitness is making me realise that 55 is the age just on my birth certificate. So, thank you, Tiger, for inspiring me, challenging me and making me feel joyful in my zone.” While only a part of the note Akki wrote is published here, he also shared a video of a game of volleyball that the two actors indulged in on the sets of the film.
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