Kangana Ranaut had tested positive for Covid-19 recently. Taking precautions and as per government guidelines, the ‘Tejas’ actress immediately quarantined herself. As she was in home isolation, Kangana kept low for a while but didn’t shy away from voicing her opinions on Instagram. Now she’s back in action. Informing her fans about her condition, Kangana’s tongue and cheek post read, “Hello, everyone, today I tested negative for Covid-19. I want to say a lot about how I beat the virus but I am told not to offend Covid fan clubs. Yes, there are actually people out there who get offended if you show disrespect towards the virus! Anyway, thanks for your wishes and love,”. She even shared a video about her Covid experience. The actress has been in the eye of the storm with her controversial remarks on multiple current affairs. Twitter has blocked her account for the same and she seems to be taunting instagram to follow suit.
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