Singer Kumar Sanu is poised to make history as the first Indian vocalist to pursue legal measures safeguarding his personality rights. Following in the footsteps of Bollywood icons like Amitabh Bachchan, Anil Kapoor and Jackie Shroff, who have proactively defended against potential misuse of their images and voices in the digital age, Sanu is preparing to take legal action to protect his distinctive baritone. Renowned for his widely imitated voice, Sanu is determined to prevent any unauthorised use that could misrepresent his persona. After concluding his concerts in the USA, he has returned home with plans to seek a court order on this matter. Out of thousands of songs to his credit in multiple languages, Kumar Sanu has songs from ‘Aashiqui’, ‘Saajan’, ‘Sadak’ and many hit numbers that are remembered even today.
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