Shraddha Kapoor dived into work after her recent tryst with the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in the ongoing bollywood drugs case. The actress has now signed a three-film deal, the theme of which is based on the shape-shifting ‘nagin’ (female snake). Shraddha, who will work under the direction of Vishal Furia, excitedly says, “It’s an absolute delight for me to play a ‘nagin’ on screen. I have grown-up watching, admiring and idolising Sridevi ma’am’s ‘Nagina’ and ‘Nigahen’. I always wanted to play a similar role rooted in traditional Indian folklore. It’s like playing an iconic character, which has always been so fascinating for the audience.” While the movies will be produced by Nikhil Dwivedi, the start and release dates are yet to be announced.
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