Bollywood celebrities seem to have ditched luxurious vacations abroad this year and are choosing to spend their holidays in India itself. The coronavirus pandemic has taken a toll on everyone worldwide and the fraternity is no exception. While power couple Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone chose Jaipur as their holiday destination, Ranbir Kapoor took off to Ranthambore National Park in Rajasthan with Alia Bhatt. The couple is joined by Neetu Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor Sahani, Soni Razdan and Shaheen Bhatt. Incidentally, all the celebrities gathered at the destination and Neetu Kapoor clicked a selfie with Ranbir and Ranveer which she later put it up on her Instagram story. Rumours suggested that Alia and Ranbir would get engaged today, but that piece of news was publically denied by Ranbir’s uncle Randhir Kapoor.
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