Anil Kapoor and Sunny Leone indulged in a little bit of Twitter banter today and fans picked up the joke and made it viral. Sunny, sitting on a red chair wearing a short dress, held a framed picture in her lap and wrote, “Guess the famous painter!” along with a laughing emoticon. She tagged Anil Kapoor in her post. The photo frame which she is displaying in her picture is from Kapoor’s super-duper hit film ‘Welcome’, released in 2007. Anil had played the role of Majnu Bhai in the film and was shown painting the canvas himself. Sunny picked this up to tease Anil Kapoor to which he replied, “Majnu Bhai’s art is world famous in India!” in his typical inimitable style which he used in the film. After this friendly banter, one wonders if there’s a film announcement with Anil and Sunny in the works.
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