Varun Dhawan and the entire team of ‘Dilwale’ have indulged in a tiring tour of promotions for the film. From travelling to different cities to visiting colleges, the publicity plan for ‘Dilwale’ seems to be targeting one and all. At one such promotional event, Kajol, Shah Rukh Khan, Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon broke into an impromptu gig on stage. As Varun shook a leg with Kajol, he seemed to be all praise for her. The actor said, “For the first time, I have danced with Kajol ma’am on stage, and she has the most amazing ‘lachak’ (twists). I don’t know why they don’t do it today.” It seems like Kriti has a lot to learn from her seniors.
Varun in awe of Kajol
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