Akshay Kumar and Ajay Devgn are two veteran action heroes in the film industry. Both have a tremendous fan following worldwide. During the ‘Sooryavanshi’ trailer launch, Akki revealed, “Ajay is an old friend and we began our career almost together. We fought for the very first film, ‘Phool Aur Kaante’. I was to be cast in that film before Ajay pushed me out of the flick,” he said with a smile. Although Akshay was not joking. It was indeed him who was approached for ‘Phool Aur Kaante’ before it went to Ajay. They later went on to work together in films like, ‘Suhaag’, ‘Khakee’ and ‘Insan’ and will be seen together in Sooryavanshi later this month.
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