Amitabh Bachchan has been busy promoting his upcoming film ‘Shamitabh’, which will hit the screens this Friday. The actor was recently in Delhi as a part of promotions before returning to Mumbai yesterday. Bachchan and Balki have brought out some great projects, and this time again Big B seems to be all praise for his director. He wrote on his blog, “Having seen ‘Shamitabh’, I do believe that this could be termed as one of Balki’s best and most committed, bold and profound statement on cinema in the country.” The actor also accepted that ‘Shamitabh’ is a commercial film. “It does not shy away from the eventual tag most cinemas get associated with of being the commercial escapist fare. Yet it has the brilliance to envelope it ever so subtly in its presentation, its plotting and its final message,” said Bachchan.
Amitabh Bachchan: Shamitabh is Balki’s best
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