The who’s who of Bollywood had descended in Jamnagar, Gujarat for India’s richest businessman’s son, Anant Ambani’s pre-wedding celebrations. The rich list included Bollywood A-listers like Shah Rukh and Gauri Khan, Suhana Khan, Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif, Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan and the rest of the Kapoor family apart from Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh. The guest list also saw the Bachchan family in full attendance with Abhishek, Aishwarya Rai, Jaya and even Amitabh Bachchan making it to the event. After returning, Bachchan described the exhilarating experience as, “The gates of Jalsa did not open on Sunday. But the gates of a wedding did occur, up to the location of the wedding and then back just now. It has to be said that the experience was one never seen before. Not just the atmosphere of the wedding, but the Vantara animal relief facility, goodness me. What an extraordinary experience and the most scientific setup for the animals that get maltreated, to be brought here at this farm and nurtured out of diseased or compromised environ, and given a fresh and healthy rejuvenated life. This is an experience only seeing can be believed. And no more details for the joy and ecstasy of the experience shall be driven away. But see you all must. And then the glory of the shlokas, the chanting of the mantras and the truly divine atmosphere and environ created by the hosts… simply incredible!” It must be noted here that Sr Bachchan is an avid animal and nature lover and spreads the message of saving the environment through his quiz show on television and social media.
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