As soon as the unfortunate news of Rishi Kapoor passing away was out, Bollywood celebrities mourned his death on social media. Since travel restrictions are in place due to the Covid-19 lockdown, stars like Amitabh Bachchan, Akshay Kumar, Aamir Khan and Priyanka Chopra paid their condolences online. While Bachchan said, “I’m destroyed,” Priyanka wrote, “My heart is so heavy. This is the end of an era. Rishi sir, your candid heart and immeasurable talent will never be encountered again.” Akki felt as if he was stuck in “a nightmare”, “Just heard the depressing news of Rishi Kapoorji passing away, it’s heart-breaking.” Aamir Tweeted, “We have lost one of the greats today. An amazing actor, a wonderful human being, and 100 percent a child of cinema. Thank you for all the joy you brought to our lives. Thank you for being the actor and human being that you were. You will be badly missed Rishiji.
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