‘Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar’ is making the producers happy as the film starring Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor is doing good business at the box office. Directed by Luv Ranjan, ‘Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar’ also stars Boney Kapoor and Dimple Kapadia among others and the entire team’s efforts are reflected in the way it has shaped up. Audiences are showering it with love. The film was shot during the winter season in Delhi, where the temperatures drop to nearly zero degrees during peak. Interestingly, Dimple Kapadia was the one not feeling the chill at all. And the reason behind this was unbelievable, says a source, “The cast and crew were shooting during the peak winter season. While both, Ranbir and Shraddha would be layered in winter wear after the director said cut, surprisingly, Dimple Kapadia would still be in her costume. She used to be unphased by the cold weather in Delhi. She later shared her secret that she used to bathe in ice-cold water each morning. We were shocked to know this.” Dimple plays Ranbir’s mother in the film, which has now collected over Rs 75 crore and is inching towards marking a century.
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