Bollywood actress and newly elected MP from Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, Kangana Ranaut made a shocking revelation on Thursday accusing a CISF security personnel at Chandigarh Airport of physically assaulting her during her journey to Delhi. Kangana recounted that while proceeding towards the boarding gate after the security check, she encountered an altercation with CISF officer Kulwinder Kaur, who was stationed at the frisking area and ultimately resulted in Kaur allegedly slapping her. After the incident, Kangana said, “I am safe and perfectly fine. The slapping incident that happened at Chandigarh Airport occurred during the security check. When I completed the security check and was waiting to pass the woman security officer, she came towards me, hit me and started abusing me. When I asked why she did it, she said she supports the farmers. I am safe, but my concern is how to handle this shocking rise in terror and violence in Punjab.” Reports suggest that Kangana’s controversial remarks concerning women in Punjab amidst the farmers’ agitation might have instigated this incident. Following the altercation, constable Kulwinder Kaur has been promptly suspended and an FIR has been lodged against her. Additionally, a probe committee has been established to delve into the specifics of Kangana’s accusations.
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