The coronavirus pandemic has hit the world hard. The second wave has forced India in lockdown again. Even though Salman Khan is one of the top stars in India, he couldn’t afford delaying his film ‘Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai’ beyond a certain date. The shooting and post-production of the film was delayed last year due to the Covid-19 situation and subsequent lockdowns all over the world. With a year’s delay, Salman postponed ‘Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai’ to Eid of 2021. Now with another lockdown situation arising in many parts of India, Salman has decided to release ‘Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai’ on OTT. Interestingly, this will be a film which will also release in theatres in small pockets where the screens are open, though in very small numbers. The hybrid model will be followed across the world and ‘Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai’ will release on May 13th.
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