The ever-so-elusive Aditya Chopra has jetted off on a vacation with wife Rani Mukerji and daughter Adira. The couple was reportedly snapped holidaying in Goa, along with Adira’s nanny, to take care of their daughter. Rani seems to be enjoying some downtime before she returns to work on her cop drama, ‘Mardaani 2’. The actress began shooting for the film in March and had indulged in an extensive schedule in Rajasthan. ‘Mardaani 2’ is directed by Gopi Puthran and will feature Rani in the garbs of Police Inspector Shivani Shivaji Roy. The film is scheduled to hit the screens on December 13. The film is produced by Aditya Chopra under his home production company Yash Raj Films.
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