Salman Khan and his family had a close call when two shooters opened fire at his house over the weekend. The assailants who were on a bike ran away from the spot after firing in air and at his home on Sunday, April 14th around 5 am supposedly only to warn the actor. The duo seems to have been arrested by the police now. An immediate complaint was lodged at a nearby police station after the incident. The Mumbai Crime Branch has arrested the two suspects from the city of Bhuj in Gujarat. Identified as Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal, the accused will be brought to Mumbai for further investigations. Salman’s security has been beefed up since then. He has already been under Y-Plus security cover from the time he had received death threats from a gangster. The Bishnoi gang, who has been accused of murders and rackets in the past has taken responsibility for this act as well.
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