A very much pregnant Sonam Kapoor is back in Mumbai after spending quite some time in London with husband Anand. And while she makes herself comfortable at home, Sonam’s father Anil Kapoor and mother Sunita are busy planning a grand baby shower. Paps tracking the journey of Bollywood stars recently noted that gifts and invites were being dashed out of the Kapoor house to reach their near and dear ones on time. The alleged date for Sonam’s baby shower is July 17th and hence the family is super busy. Sonam and husband Anand Ahuja had earlier hosted a baby shower in London, but the rituals back home still remain pending. Celebs like Deepika Padukone, Kareena Kapoor Khan, soon-to-be mother Alia Bhatt and many others are expected to descend at Sonam’s aunt Kavita Singh’s house where the event is expected to take place.
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