‘The Archies’ trailer starring newcomers Suhana Khan, Khushi Kapoor, Agastya Nanda, Mihir Ahuja, Aditi Saigal, Yuvraj Menda and Vedang Raina was released today. The film is directed by Zoya Akhtar and cowritten by Zoya, along with Farhan Akhtar and Ayesha DeVitre. And as soon as the trailer dropped, top celebrities like Shah Rukh Khan and Karan Johar took to their respective social media handles to praise the same. Shah Rukh Khan said, “A contemporary subject with timeless characters… ‘The Archies’… thrown into a world that is very fable-like. Zoya has created such an innocent and pristine quality to the film…. maybe just like our world could be with a more responsible outlook towards the environment. All the best to the entire team involved with this sweet and meaningful fun film!” Karan Johar, on the other hand, shared his growing-up experiences with the director, along with wishing her well, “Zoya and I grew up together… she was the wiser one, the smarter one and still is! She waited seven years to start her first film (in 2009). The trailer (of ‘The Archies’) is reflective of everything you stand for, which is your paramount conviction! The seven kids are blessed to work under your priceless guidance! So excited for you Zoya and the exciting ensemble of talent! Welcome to the movies!” The film is slated to release December 7th on Netflix.
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