Kareena Kapoor Khan, Amrita Arora Ladak, Seema Khan and Maheep Kapoor reportedly contracted coronavirus attending a gathering hosted by Karan Johar. Clarifying that his party was not a hotspot for Covid-19, the filmmaker issued a statement, while also revealing that everyone at his home had tested negative for Covid-19. “My family and I, and everyone at home have done their RT-PCR tests and with the grace of God, we are all negative! In fact, I tested twice just to be safe and am negative. I truly appreciate the grandest efforts of the BMC to ensure the safety of our city. Salute to them,” shared Karan. Further addressing reports about his party, the filmmaker added, “To some members of the media, I would like to clarify that an eight people intimate gathering is not a ‘party’ and my home, which we maintain strict protocols in, is certainly no ‘hotspot’ of Covid-19.” It was being said that Kareena and Amrita could become superspreaders because of regular social gatherings.
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