Alia Bhatt’s ‘Raazi’ trailer is earning her a lot of praise and her filmmaker-father Mahesh Bhatt and actress-mother Soni Razdan too are impressed with her performance. Alia revealed Mahesh Bhatt and Soni Razdan’s reaction when they saw the trailer, “My parents have been very involved with ‘Raazi’. My mother has even acted in the film. They’ve both seen the trailer. The first time my dad saw the trailer, he was sitting a little away from our dining area and was watching it intently on his laptop. Suddenly, we heard a whistle, that’s how we knew he liked it. Though my mother has acted in the film, she had tears in her eyes when she saw the trailer. She said, ‘It’s very moving and gritty’.” The trailer has generated a lot of curiosity on social media and have been praised by fans.
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