Amitabh Bachchan and Smita Patil have worked together in some of the biggest yesteryear hits. While the duo did not share any other social equation, Smita Patil once had a very strong premonition about Big B. Amitabh Bachchan shared, “The greatest thing I want to recall about Smita is her having a sense of premonition. When I was shooting for my film ‘Coolie’ in Bangalore, one night, pretty late, she called me up and I received it. She asked me if I was fine. I said yes. She said that she had a very bad dream about me and hoped that I was healthy and keeping well. Smita said that she just had to tell me about the dream. The next morning I had my accident while shooting ‘Coolie’.” And the rest is history.
Smita Patil had a premonition about Big B’s Coolie accident!
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