As soon as Meghna Gulzar announced her upcoming directorial ‘Sam Bahadur’ starring Vicky Kaushal, fans were intrigued and excited about the film. The biopic is based on India’s defence personnel and one of the most celebrated people inside and outside the force, Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw. While the team had already begun its preparations, its lead actor Vicky too has started preparing for what’s being called the role of a lifetime. Informing everyone about it, Vicky posted a picture of the bound script on his Instagram handle, and wrote, “Here we go… Prep starts! #SamBahadur,” today. While Vicky portrays the Army hero in ‘Sam Bahadur’, he will be accompanied by Fatima Sana Shaikh and Sanya Malhotra. Apart from the biopic, Vicky has ‘Govinda Naam Mera’ with Kiara Advani.
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